We are all different. Don’t judge, understand instead.
Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart
The founder of this TRE® Online website is Deva Laya Guleng, an experienced Global TRE® Certification Trainer. She’s been working as a Trainer since 2011, supporting growth of TRE® in Europe.
Deva Laya is today working both as supervisor and Mentor for TRE® Provider Trainees and TRE® Certification Trainer trainees as well as giving own trainings and individual sessions. She is highly engaged i the international organisation, both with developing structured support-documents as well as supporting starting TRE® in new countries.
Deva Laya first had contact with TRE® in 2008, and has been practicing TRE® since then. The excitement and inspiration to use TRE® as a self-healing method both for herself and as a tool in her work with other people moved her to enter the TRE® training program. She is mainly trained by Dr David Berceli & Joan MacDonald.
She is highly dedicated to leading groups and individuals through the TRE® exercises whilst providing grounding and support. It is with much gratitude and humbleness that she witnesses other people through their healing process.

Deva Laya is engaged in guiding people to find their inner power and also loves to use Crystal Sound Bowls and her voice in her work. One of her strongest visions is to continue being a guide, to support, help and empower people all over the world, especially those who are our future – the children