What is TRE®?
Tension & Trauma Release Exercises (or TRE®) is a simple yet innovative series of exercises that assist the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension and trauma. Created by Dr. David Berceli, PhD, TRE safely activates a natural reflex mechanism of shaking or vibrating that releases muscular tension, calming down the nervous system. When this muscular shaking/vibrating mechanism is activated in a safe and controlled environment, the body is encouraged to return back to a state of balance.

Can TRE® be done online?

One of the great benefits of doing TRE® in an online session, is that you have the comfort of your own space at home or maybe you have some free time between work at the office. Additionally you have more time to rest and integrate afterwards.

How do people benefit from periodic TRE® practice, stress management and popular relaxation techniques?
Stress, anxiety and trauma are common events in people’s lives. We often experience stress on a daily level, either at home or at work. The body constantly responds to elevated levels of stress by contracting the muscles to ‘get through’ the problem. However, we seldom recognize these contractions until we experience pain, discomfort or illness. By practicing preventative techniques like TRE®, we can prevent stress and tension levels from elevating to a point of chronic illness.

Why does TRE® seem to improve sleep and build resilience?
The body intuitively knows how and when to put itself to sleep. Difficulty sleeping is simply a symptom that something is out of balance with the body. Sleeplessness is often the signal that stress, anxiety and tension are causing the “sleep mechanism” to not activate properly.

Deep muscular relaxation, which TRE® elicit, induces the body to activate the rest/digest, relaxation response of the parasympathetic nervous system that allows the body to sleep. Resiliency can be attained when the individual can work, respond to stress, play, and then rest. If deep adequate rest, and the relaxation response, is not a part of the individual’s daily life, resiliency is compromised.

Why does TRE® work?
The muscle tremors caused by the TRE® exercise process is a natural, internal, neuro-physiological response of the body to reduce its own stress and restore well-being. TRE® is a somatic process which, when done properly through a Certified TRE® Provider, can allow an individual to release built-up tension from the body without having to revisit the trauma itself (by speaking about it or recalling memories).

TRE® is designed to be a self-help tool that can be used as needed throughout one’s life, thereby arming an individual with a tool that can and will continuously promote and create personal health and wellness.

TRE® is an effective complementary practice when integrated with other treatment modalities by those in the healing professions, including the treatment of PTSD and anxiety disorder recovery and trauma.

TRE® ONLINE Module 1 April 11 - 13. Early Bird pricing until March 10th. Dismiss
