If you are living in a Country with a very low pricing range or have other forms of financially challenges due to the given situation and the discounted prices still are to high for you, please send a private message to get an individual discounted price determined by your given situation.

Are you curious to learn TRE® and establish a safe practise to continue practising on your own? In your first session you’re guided through the TRE® exercises with personal adjustments.

Do you wish to gain a deeper experience in your existing TRE® practice?

Reconnect with your body and create a self-care practice.

Deva Laya is a Global TRE® Certification Trainer, with a long experience of working with online TRE® sessions. She’s passionately making sure your TRE® session is kept safe and supported.

Read more and book a session below.

For the online sessions Zoom is used as the online-session tool. A meeting link will be sent prior to the scheduled time. You can see a short instruction-video for Zoom here.

TRE® one on one sessions

TRE® ONLINE Module 1 April 11 - 13. Early Bird pricing until March 10th. Dismiss
